How many people like Revenge? Is Revenge worth jail time? Or even death? You should ask  Mohamed Salmo Miya the man who Sunk his teeth into a COBRA!!
Mohamed was working in his rice field when he encountered a cobra. The Cobra bite him. He was so mad that he chased down the cobra and bite it to death. He says that he could've killed it with a stick but preferred revenge. I personally, would never bite  a snake. r even get close to one to even get bite. Now, would you bite a snake for revenge? Specifically a Cobra?
Bullying. Some of us take that too lightly. For a lot of us who have been bullied. It's more than just hurtful. It's devastating. Watching not only this video but this whole movie made me understand that I wasn't the only one out there that had been bullied. I wasn't the only one out there that cared. For someone to produce a movie like this, they had to be thinking of teens being bullied. That's what I'm grateful for. Last year, I was bullied constantly by classmates. It was hard. I couldn't concentrate on my schoolwork, my dancing, my music lessons. Life for me was spiraling in the wrong direction. Several times in that year I was rushed to Scottish Right(Children's hospital) for multiple suicide attempts. Some of those times, I had almost succeeded. 
Before summer started this year. I overdosed. By the time i got to the hospital, i was almost gone. When they finally got all the toxins out of my system and had put me on an IV, the doctor told me, "Gabriella, you're very lucky to be with us today. One more pill and you would've died. Thank God  you're alive." At that moment, I realized, Do I really want to die? Do people's opinions really make a difference to where I go in life? Should it matter? And then i thought, No, it shouldn't. Since this summer, i have been a lot better. I've been taking counseling and i was in a long-term hospitalization for 3 months to help with my feelings. This year, I feel new, encouraged, and strong to make my life a whole lot easier to live in. Bullying is NOT okay. IF YOU ARE BEING BULLIED, TELL AN ADULT IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT WAIT! 
-------Carol loved playing practical jokes.  It was her favorite thing to do. The fact of seeing people's reactions and facial expressions excited her so much that this time, she went too far. So far, that she's dead. 


That night, as I was going out for my nightly walk through the town, I felt a prickly feeling going through me. I turned around and saw no one, but I knew just because I couldn't see them didn't mean they weren't there. As if the people had read my mind, they jumped out suddenly, surrounding and cornering me against one of the old brick houses. Inside it lived old Sam. The lamp that would be turned on was off, so I knew he was dead asleep. 
"Someone help me!" I choked to say. "Get off of me!"
"Be quiet!" One of the people in the crowd--a man, by his voice--growled. He pushed me to the floor and kicked my ribs. It was very painful and kept me gasping for breath. I wished that we were back in our original stance because my rib was flaming with pain and I could barely breathe because of the immense pain. I felt like I had air, but none of it wanted to relieve me. Suddenly, the pain dimmed a bit, but then he kicked me again. I groaned and miserably tried to breathe but could not. 
"HELP!!!" I shouted, but still no one came to me. He kicked me 3 more times and then I felt defeated.
"No one will ever find you Taylor. They cannot catch us. We will not leave anything. And you're not going to say a word."
I looked up and saw that he had one Blue eye and one Brown eye, the same as Jason. "Jason?" I asked him, shocked. He had seemed so nice!
"Yes, it's me. Everyone thinks I'm such a little, innocent teenager, but I'm really involved in a secret project," he said. He chuckled. "You'll never be able to be a detective. Always finding too late." He tsked, then I heard the click of a gun. I braced myself for death. 
And then I heard the gunshot. A brief flare of pain in my head, and then the world went black. I felt like I was just swimming in water. 
"Dad," I whispered. "I love you." And then, there was nothing else in the world. Just a pure, deep cloak of black.