Bullying. Some of us take that too lightly. For a lot of us who have been bullied. It's more than just hurtful. It's devastating. Watching not only this video but this whole movie made me understand that I wasn't the only one out there that had been bullied. I wasn't the only one out there that cared. For someone to produce a movie like this, they had to be thinking of teens being bullied. That's what I'm grateful for. Last year, I was bullied constantly by classmates. It was hard. I couldn't concentrate on my schoolwork, my dancing, my music lessons. Life for me was spiraling in the wrong direction. Several times in that year I was rushed to Scottish Right(Children's hospital) for multiple suicide attempts. Some of those times, I had almost succeeded. 
Before summer started this year. I overdosed. By the time i got to the hospital, i was almost gone. When they finally got all the toxins out of my system and had put me on an IV, the doctor told me, "Gabriella, you're very lucky to be with us today. One more pill and you would've died. Thank God  you're alive." At that moment, I realized, Do I really want to die? Do people's opinions really make a difference to where I go in life? Should it matter? And then i thought, No, it shouldn't. Since this summer, i have been a lot better. I've been taking counseling and i was in a long-term hospitalization for 3 months to help with my feelings. This year, I feel new, encouraged, and strong to make my life a whole lot easier to live in. Bullying is NOT okay. IF YOU ARE BEING BULLIED, TELL AN ADULT IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT WAIT! 
8/21/2012 09:45:33 am

I really like this piece and I like how you talked about such an important topic. One thing I might say that can help your blog is make sure that you capitalize your I's.


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